Confucius once said a word that is well known to women and children: "Thinking before you go." It means: think more about things before you can make a decision. He believes: This way to grasp the act back to avoid mistakes, failure. It is better to be careful. However, in today's era full of opportunities and challenges, if everything is "think twice before you go", you may miss the best opportunity, you must know: "The machine can't be lost Marlboro Gold, no longer come." Even if you come up with a better way afterwards, you can "when it��s too late," and what to do with caution. There are certain reasons for thinking twice, but we need to be brave enough to make decisions and try boldly. Then think twice! This is the way forward for the great people to guide us! Galileo, famous for his far and near, boldly tried and overthrew the erroneous theory of more than two thousand years Cheap Cigarettes. Li Shizhen, a famous history, boldly tasted hundreds of uninhibited herbs for the benefit of mankind; the unparalleled Edison Wholesale Cigarettes, boldly created more than a thousand kinds New items have become the king of inventions that everyone knows... If you don't dare to act, you will only be able to live forever, and nothing will happen. More thinking is nothing more than paper talk, no help. Of course, there is no unbeaten general in the world. Perhaps, the step you took is wrong, but you are still great, proving that you are brave enough to climb up and dare to challenge new heights! People don't often say: "I am not afraid of making mistakes, I am afraid that I will not change my mind?" Failure is the mother of success. Without the wind and rain, why do you see the rainbow? And the failure of the initial "line" is to make the "three thoughts" from the back. To sum up the experience and lessons, let the failure make a deep impression on yourself, and never allow yourself to fall for the second time in the same place! In this way, we will have real gains! Faced with our success, let us try boldly, sum up experience, and then think twice! Related articles: Cigarettes Online