Which admittedly a lot of this functionality is already accessed places like Wars Retreat or Max guild. Other than what POH's have. Which the concept of a camp/village may be something cool to entertain for a while. A larger scale area to train construction, starting with your residence, then continuing on to a settlement for NPC's who may then become employees of some sort that create options for passive XP gain like POF mixed with miscellania. Higher your level the various typed of buildings that are functional that your camp could have, from a smith to substitute the armor rack, into a bank, or a mage for tele's etc..
Where you'd have to provide materials for their functionalities as well as a Base amount of a foundation and materials level to produce the structure those NPC's would work in anyways. Together with the choice to arrange them in a way that suits the players liking, where combat support function NPCs could be closer to the home tele location for easier access. Along with npc's may be further. Obvi I am literally just spewing thoughts with little without believing ahead, so it might all be unbelievably flawed but I feel it could be a start of something to consider.
OSRS player here, building is insanely OP for people who have regen pool and home tiles. What makes it so useless for RS3? So I understand nothing regarding RS3 in its existing 22, quit runescoe in 2006 to come back to old by the way. RS3 and OSRS we've been given a lot of the same QOL buffs whereas RS3 they were just added however in OSRS they had been integrated into construction. In RS3 we have click teles and already heal at banks. We can break anywhere for run energy, not that we ever really run out. We've got lodestones for teles that are quick around the map. Storage can be accessed from our banks.
PVM hub is readily accessible to all players, and has Prayer/summoning reestablish crystal as well as crystals. Book swap is a skill Cape advantage and can be done from any lender. We have jewellery compactors so have very little demand for items like mounted glories, Passage of the abyss can actually store 5k teleports from 6 types of teleportation jewelry which is amazing for clues. I am a maxed iron and I can honestly say the only thing I ever use my home for is creating teletabs to processor them for hints, repairing my degradable gear for sightly more economical and storing old pets that's don't have decorative over rides. Everything else there is a better choice available outside the skill.
RS3 seasonal events are a joke. They're the same format repeatedly and revolve around a single item: XP (and garbage cosmetics, and seeking to encourage people to purchase MTXs to reevaluate exactly what the xp they get out of this event) the whole point of seasonal events is just to bypass really playing Runescape and grinding and just getting xp from clicking on something. All of boils down to just xp. Ever RS3 player's aim is just to get as much xp, as most 99s or 200m xp's as possible. It is entertaining about it or roughly as a match could be, there's nothing interesting. OSRS actually adds content selected by gamers.
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