The amount of times I have had to hop off a courtroom to reset the series so people are more likely to play is insanity. There needs to be a way to hide rep. People care too much about looking as though they're great compared to actually being good. I need them win and to conceal rep. Show it when NBA 2K21 loads while people do their intro. Assemble, before that show position, and complete. I concur when they find that their opponents are higher rep than those, but folks will dodge, I think the better alternative would be to have it not observable before the end of NBA 2K21, similar to multiplayer games like Dead by Daylight.
I used to hate back in 2K19 (or was it 18 I can not recall ) that while you were awaiting the court you could not see your winstreak until NBA 2K21 started and you asked someone. Now I realize that it was a blessing in disguise. This past year, I have yet to acquire a 6 winstreak. I mean I understand why a few run imaging you as2 and play with a toxic lineup pure lockdown, play shooter, paint beast or inside drive abusing screens not really a fun again. I really don't run from anybody but most are lame as hell to play. I can understand why others don't need to take part.
Have 2 corner hoes while 1 guy ISO's is dull for 4/6 people enjoying. It is for making a winning strat but it's understandable why people would not do that, 2Ks fault. If you are not having fun then, it's a video game? In fact do not do this, I discovered it's easier to get games when you're on high win streak and somebody finds a few balls and try to beat you. On the other hand if you hop off and they see you're an elite squad you're never getting games.
So you are suggesting they go to a game knowing they likely will shed? Lol 2K must have it where similarly skilled people match up together & people do not have to worry about stuff like this. If you're running you'll likely lose to anybody. I understand people that are new to NBA 2K21 not wanting to play a legend or elite however some people have been on NBA 2K21 annually and only look to get bums to beat up on. While I would love matchmaking that is theirs to save. Way too many factors to determine how someone should be rated.
I only play myteam, but in most situations I'd say losing isn't fun, & if you knew you we're going to play with an individual way better than you & the chances of you winning are slim I could see why many people would not wish to put themselves through that. I get that. But you're chances of winning will probably be restricted if you only versus people in your level. That is with anything in life. Online will always be competitive although I get some people play with causally. If 2K produces a park solely for casual play with no rewards or little rewards that might help. Substantial facts, this was my first year playing at the park, had a 38% win percent by January, couldn't shoot for shit.